One of the more interesting (to me) blogs currently on the web, is the aptly named Will It Sous Vide? I recently noticed this idea and thought that it would make a relaxed weekend brunch. This could be made ahead and reheated or prepped ahead and placed in the sous vide in the morning.
The two things that you need to remember are:
1). 175 – water temp
2). 90 – Cooking time (plus an hour or two hold time if you want.)
The girls have been through a tough time. Not only was it winter, but they are all roughly the same age and went through their first molt together. All available resources are redirected towards growing a set of new, adult, feathers and egg production dropped to barely a trickle. However, when I checked last week, there was a bountiful harvest and the nesting boxes have been busy ever since. There is a particular cluck/crowing noise that a recently laying bird makes and my yard has been especially noisy lately.
For this recipe, blend equal weight of eggs and cream cheese.
You can choose your own “mix-ins”. Ricotta would be good, as would Marscapone. You want a light and frothy mixture at the end.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Prep some cheddar and, perhaps finely chopped onion.
Place the cheese and/or onion at the bottom of a greased 4 oz Mason jar and fill with the egg/cream cheese mixture. Screw the lids on tight and…
Place into your sous vide. The observant reader will notice that my sous vide system is a slow cooker that is regulated with a thermocouple. Total cost $27.00.
Remember: 175 degrees for 90 minutes.
When you are ready to eat, lift them out of the water, dry off and serve either straight from the jar….
Or turned out onto the plate.
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