“On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?” I love this line from Meatloaf’s “You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth.” In your imagination I am a culinary Adonis. I tower over the other puny cooks. I am muscular and handsome. Whatever your…
Sous Vide – Be Nice To Your Mother
Karl and I are both fans of sous vide, the french cooking system that can best be understood as “Boil-In-The-Bag”, but misses the point entirely when you express it that way. Literally, “Cooked In Vacuum”, sous vide addresses a crucial, but rarely considered question – What are we doing when we cook protein? So, take…
Indoor Fireworks – Orange Soy Lamb Ribs and Breast
I think that we can all agree that indoor fireworks are a really bad idea. Add to the equation that they are bought from Poundland/Dollar General and you can only imagine what a recipe for disaster we have on our hands. At Feral Cooks we love anything that comes with a hint of danger, but…